The Personification of all Virtues

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Saturday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time

Matthew 23:1-12

The Scribes and the Pharisees were criticized by Jesus for several reasons: First, because they did not practice what they preached; second, because the good things they performed were only for show; and third, because they wanted to be recognized and served by people.

In his public ministry, Jesus established his credibility by proclaiming not only in words but also in actions. He preached about love and mercy, and he himself helped the poor, cured the sick, and forgave sinners. He did all these not to be praised by people but only to manifest God's great love for the poor and the needy.

Once again, the gospel inspires us to remain helpful and humble like Christ. Those of us who know how to serve others are considered great in the Kingdom of Heaven. “For all who humble themselves will be exalted, and all who exalt themselves will be humbled.”