The Personification of all Virtues

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time

Matthew 23: 23-26

Jesus' teachings and ministry have an undeniable bias for sinners. His heart is always ready to grant forgiveness and salvation to almost anyone. But how are we going to explain Jesus' condemning words for the scribes and Pharisees? Why did he treat them quite differently from the rest of sinners?

The scribes and Pharisees were recognized as moral and spiritual leaders. People would look up to them not only in synagogues but even on the streets and marketplaces. Because of this, however, many of them became proud and self-righteous. Jesus saw in them little capacity to own mistakes and to be truly remorseful. The use of harsh words was Jesus' way of opening their eyes and consciences.

Today, the gospel challenges us to possess the virtues of humility and sincerity. Let us acknowledge our human frailties and our great need of God's mercy. We should be truly sorry for our sins and ask God for the grace of desiring to live more fully in His ways.