The Personification of all Virtues

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time

Matthew 19:23-30

The rich would find it very difficult to enter the kingdom of God if their material wealth makes them proud, or if it alienates them from God and from their neighbors. There are people, who after enriching themselves, become proud, selfish and unapproachable. Because of worldly concerns, many rich people would also forget to pray and eventually lose contact with their God. They would not call on God for help because they have influential people to go and money to solve their problems. In fact, one of the greatest temptations of the rich is to believe that they can live without God's help.

Despite being the Son of God, Jesus had showed us an example on how to live a simple lifestyle. He chose to belong to an ordinary family and to live in a small village together with simple people. Because of this, he had the great opportunity to serve the poor and the needy. Jesus was not materially rich, but he was rich in kindness and generosity. He always had time for others and for His Father in heaven.

Today, we are challenged to acquire the virtue of simplicity. Rich or poor, we are called to remain humble and to be generous with our time, talent and treasure. If we do not allow material things to possess us, we surely will not hesitate to serve the needs of others and we will always have time for God. In such case, it will be easier for us to enter heaven with the help of God.