The Personification of all Virtues

Friday, September 18, 2009

Saturday of the 24th Week in Ordinary Time

Luke 8:4-15

We, who wish to bring the Word of God to people, are like sowers. We do not own or make seeds; we only receive them from the Divine Master. We go to Jesus in prayer and ask Him to teach us the gospel. He, then, would fill our baskets (minds and hearts) with the seeds of the kingdom.

We (priests, catechists, parents, and other educators) sow seeds in the name of God. Like Jesus, we scatter seeds of the truth generously and lavishly. We do not know actually the type of soil in people’s hearts, and so, we just preach the gospel to everybody. It is God who makes the seeds grow, not us. We only are sowers and we leave the future of the seeds in the hands of the Master. Some people have hardened hearts and they may simply ignore the gospel we share. Others have receptive hearts and they might try to practice the gospel in their lives. Whether the seeds produce bountiful harvest or not, the sowers will receive their reward from the Master for the diligence and hard work with which they do their work.

Today, we are asked to keep the virtue of perseverance in teaching people the Christian life. When friends, neighbors, or children do not respond positively to our teachings, we surrender them to God for only He has the power to change hearts.